
This page displays my publication record. For the most recent information, please refer to my Google Scholar.

Journal papers

  1. Kwak, Semin, Danya Li, and Nikolas Geroliminis. “TwoResNet: Two-level resolution neural network for traffic forecasting on freeway networks.” Scientific reports (2023, submitted).
  2. Kwak, Semin, Nikolas Geroliminis, and Pascal Frossard. “Traffic signal prediction on transportation networks using spatio-temporal correlations on graphs.” IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 7 (2021): 648-659.
  3. Kwak, Semin, and Nikolas Geroliminis. “Travel time prediction for congested freeways with a dynamic linear model.” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2020).
  4. Kwak, Semin, Joohwan Chun, and Sung Hyuck Ye. “Monopulse beam synthesis using a sparse single layer of weights.” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67, no. 4 (2019): 2787-2791.
  5. Park, Jaehyun, Jihye Lee, Joohwan Chun, and Semin Kwak. “Robust monopulse beam synthesis with sparse elements in linear and planar arrays with element failure detection.” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 11, no. 8 (2017): 1251-1258.
  6. Kwak, Semin, Joohwan Chun, Dongmin Park, Young Kwan Ko, and Byung Lae Cho. “Asymmetric sum and difference beam pattern synthesis with a common weight vector.” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 15 (2016): 1622-1625.


  1. Li, Danya, Semin Kwak, and Nikolas Geroliminis. “TwoResNet: Two-level resolution neural network for traffic forecasting on freeway networks.” 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). IEEE, 2022.
  2. Kwak, Semin and Nikolas Geroliminis. “Traffic forecasting for freeway networks by a localized linear regression time series model with a graph data dimensional reduction method.” 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference. 2019.
  3. Kwak, Semin and Nikolas Geroliminis. “Data-driven traffic and experienced travel time forecasting method for freeways with a localized linear regression model.” 2019 TRB Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board, 2019.
  4. Kwak, Semin, and Nikolas Geroliminis. “Data-driven prediction of experienced travel times for freeways.” hEART 2018–7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. 2018.


  1. Kwak, Semin, Yong-hoon Kim, Hee-seong Yang, Sang-hyouk Choi, and Joo-hwan Chun. “Beamforming method and apparatus for serving multiple users.” U.S. Patent 9,634,750, issued April 25, 2017.